
Visit to West Suffolk Hospital's Stroke Unit

Last week I visited West Suffolk Hospital’s Stroke Unit for an update on their work from Dr Abul Azim and his incredible team of doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, researchers and data analysts.

Visit to Bury's new Primark store

The new Primark store in Bury St Edmunds is a welcome addition to our high street, creating local jobs and a new place to shop. It was fascinating to talk to the team about their buddy system helping new members of the Primark family to find their feet.

International Women's Day 2024

Inclusion + inspiration = thriving women.

My journey to Parliament as the 435th woman to be elected was helped by amazing women who included me in their journeys and inspired me to seek out my own.

This #IWD2024 I'll continue to do the same for all the fab women in my life!

Supporting the Great British Spring Clean

I love our local area and I’m pleased to support Keep Britain Tidy's #GBSpringClean again this year to keep #BuryStEdmunds, #Stowmarket and all the villages free of litter!

Meeting with British Sugar and NFU Sugar

Bury Saint Edmunds is the heart of the sugar industry in the UK, and I was pleased to meet growers, NFU Sugar and British Sugar in Parliament this week for an update on issues and to talk about the Sugar Industry Programme, promoting training and development of those in the industry.