Revenge porn

Thank you for contacting me about the abhorrent crime known as ‘revenge porn’. This is an issue I take extremely seriously, which is why I welcome the measures that have been introduced by the Government to support victims and prosecute those responsible.

A dedicated revenge porn helpline has been established, with support from the Government Equalities Office, and has already taken over 3000 calls since its launch in February. The helpline can signpost victims to support on how to get the content removed, in addition to liaising with law enforcement and internet companies.

The helpline is just one part of the Government’s wider measures to tackle revenge pornography. I am proud that this Government has criminalised the practice, and welcome that the first prosecutions under the new law have now taken place, including the sentencing of two men to prison. I want to create an environment in which victims feel comfortable and supported coming forward to the authorities.

It is never acceptable to circulate intimate photos of an individual without their consent, but I hope that all those affected know that the Government is on their side. There is, of course, more to do, but I believe these measures are an important step and I look forward to the Government going further to tackle this despicable crime.

In recent evidence on the Women and Equalities Select Committee on which I sit, it has become clear that we need to do more and go further in controlling the accessibility of pornography to young people. Additionally, that education around sex, relationships and keeping safe is desperately needed in order to prevent further destructive behaviour such as revenge porn.

Thank you again for taking the time to contact me.

Juy 2016